Our upcoming crowdinvesting events

Thank you Inyova community! Your enthusiasm has made it possible to bring Inyova crowdinvesting to life. You now have the opportunity to own a part of your favourite impact investing platform!

But you may be wondering:

  • What does crowdinvesting actually mean?
  • What happens with the collected money?
  • What opportunities and risks does this kind of investment entail?
  • What are the necessary steps to get involved?

We have prepared a short introduction to the topic, but will be focusing primarily on your questions in this interactive format:

Inyova owner through crowdinvesting #OwnTheChange
12.04.2022, 1 PM
This interactive webinar will answer all your open questions about crowdinvesting. It will be held in German. Speakers: Tillmann Lang & Nicole Walther.

Register here

Inyova owner through crowdinvesting #OwnTheChange
13.04.2022, 5PM
This interactive webinar will answer all your open questions about crowdinvesting. It will be held in English. Speakers: Tillmann Lang & Mathilde Sohet.

Register here

Q&A session with Tillmann Lang
26.04.2022, 1PM
This interactive webinar will answer all your open questions about crowdinvesting. It will be held in German. Speaker: Tillmann Lang.

Register here

Mathilde Sohet

Post by

Mathilde Sohet

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