Our webinar recording


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Wow – a big thank you to our community for your huge interest in becoming co-owners of Inyova!

This week, our two webinars introduced the campaign, and gave you an understanding of Inyova’s motivation and plans for the future. Both events were interactive and largely dedicated to answering your questions. As always, it was a pleasure to exchange ideas with you. 

As promised, here is the English recording. Detailed information can be found in our investment brochure – download it here for free. 

Still have unanswered questions? Our co-founder and CEO Tillmann Lang will host another open Q&A session in German on 26 April 2022 at 1pm. 

Want to be a co-owner of Inyova? Go directly to pre-registration here!

Mathilde Sohet

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Mathilde Sohet

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